The Dignify Podcast

This is The Dignify Podcast, the place to be if you want to learn more about parenting, digital safety and how to navigate our increasingly online world. Hosted by CEO/Founder Helen Roberts with incredible guests in each episode ranging from comedians to futurists to headteachers, this pilot podcast is your audio-handbook on how to raise digitally resilient children. Dignify is a charity based in Hertfordshire that seeks to normalise conversations about pornography and equip young people to have healthy relationship, free from online harms. From school workshops to conversations in Parliament, Dignify is succeeding in empowering children and parents to navigate the online world safely. Find out more about what we do at .

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Tuesday May 10, 2022

Helen speaks with a mum who became a campaigner. Suzanne Samaka shares about the harms of digitally altered images and why authenticity matters. 

Monday May 09, 2022

Helen chats to the Reward Foundation's CEO Mary Sharpe about the elasticity of the adolescent brain and how digital activity can impact and shape your children's future.
(Parental advisory: This is for you and not your children)

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022

Introducing what's coming in May 2022 to help you as parents raise digitally resilient humans. Dignify's CEO/Founder Helen Roberts introduces what is coming your way in this series. Subscribe now so you are ready!


Parents: let's talk about this...

The emerging generation are more exposed than ever to digital challenges, but are they less prepared? Maybe as a parent you feel unprepared too? 

This podcast is for you to help navigate the challenges of raising digitally resilient humans. Look out for episodes from a wide range of contributors talking with our CEO/founder Helen Roberts about the precious minds and lives of your children. 

for more information about Dignify visit 

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